worm's eye-view photography of ceiling

Testimonials and Praise

Hear what Jessica's clients have to say about working with her.

"Jessica walks the delicate balance between being genuinely supportive and graciously reflective on other's lives. She's able to mirror you so you have the opportunity to stand in your image of yourself. She provides accountability to help you move past negative thought patterns, and is a loving, listening friend through the growth process."

Adele Wiejaczka



"Jessica - I would like you to know that you remind me of a blanket. I call the blanket C.A.R.E. It is a quilt that has amazing materials and textures. The blanket stands for C. Compassionate, A. Artistic, R. Reader of People and Books. E. Expert in the passion you choose.
You have a very motherly nature of being to ALL that surround you. The blanket has iridescent lights on it and that is what your gift does is illuminates peoples souls. This part of the quilt is made of tapestry."

Robin Osborn


"Jessica, When I think of you or see your face, I see a nurturing, passionate healer. You exude confidence and compassion equally, always offering up caring solutions and ideas. Your energy is soft and loving, yet strong and solid. I am so honored to have had the time in sit in ceremony with you."

Much Love, Michele Collum


Darling Jess, you have such a beautiful loving heart. If I had a sister, I would like her to exactly like you.
Thank you for everything you've done for me today, deeply appreciated.
Jessica has a beautiful warm loving heart and helped me when I was going through a dark night of the soul and I'm grateful for her love and support.
I feel this lovely warm golden soothing honey energy from you. You're like a warm honey mother & like a warm cozy blanket that you feel safe under. I love how warm, loving and nurturing you are and how generous you are with your soft beautiful heart. You have great wisdom and wise beyond your years. I love the courage you have shown with your journey. You are a bright light for people when there's no hope. Love you.



Before I met Jessica I felt really lost in myself, like a was a piece of driftwood getting tossed and turned in the wind. She really helped me understand more about myself, and what was happening to me empathetically. After just one session I could feel my courage growing inside of myself. She is an amazing person and I’d consider her one of the most influential people I’ve ever met in this so far 12 years I’ve walked the earth.

Thank you Jessica,



My 13 year old daughter is joyful, energetic and a leader at her school. She is creative, an independent thinker and very grounded in the sense of who she is. She has been nominated on multiple occasions by her teachers participate in prestigious programs for middle school girls. But it wasn’t always this way.

About a year ago, this same girl was seriously struggling with stomach aches, crippling anxiety, difficulty falling asleep and always tired. Already very thin, she had no appetite and cried almost daily...especially at mealtime. We had recently moved to a new town which meant a new school, new friends and everything else that comes with transition. We embarked on a quest to help her heal.

In that process, she met with doctors and therapist to little advantage. We changed her diet and that helped... ALOT but there was still an element of something just not quite right. Then she had her first call with Jessica and there was a powerful shift. For the first time ever, my daughter met someone who understood her. When she got off that call she was happy, hopeful and felt really good about who she was. In one call.

We let six months pass and decided to work with Jessica on a regular basis. I had a powerful intuition that Jessica could help my daughter heal on a new level. And I was right.

Aspen has made significant changes since working with Jessica. Most notable are her sleep habits. She goes to bed early (on her own) and wakes up early and in a great mood. We used to have to drag her out of bed for school. She is positive and understanding towards herself and others. There is a glint in her eye and a skip in her step. It truly feels almost magical.

She has always had a hard time asking for help but this has softened. Aspen is empowered and more open to feedback and conversation.

I can’t say enough good things about the powerful influence Jessica has had on my daughter. It has transformed not only her self-confidence and world view but also the entire family dynamic.



I've been working weekly with Jessica Hicks for 15 weeks (1x/week).

Jessica and I have had a soul connection since the day we met along our journeys a year ago. Something in me KNEW from day one that at some point in time she would be a profound part of my journey. I just didn't know how at the time. What I DID know is that She saw me ... and I mean on a soul level - from day one ... and quite frankly that scared the shit out of me. Just keeping it real 😏

Jessica has supported, assisted and guided me through a profound level of healing on my journey through CPTSD with a compassionate, gentle yet affirmative approach where I feel heard and seen on a soul level.

It's truly been an experience unlike anything I've ever had.

Although Jessica allows the voice of the old stories and beliefs that have been birthed by the trauma to be heard, seen and felt, she guides those beliefs and stories through a journey of transformation into energy that begins to birth NEW beliefs and NEW stories.

What was also DEEPLY helpful to me was Jessica's extensive medical credentials which you can read about. I can't even begin to tell how profound and helpful it is to be working with someone who not only understands the emotional energy present in my body (as she shares in her own personal story), but she ALSO understood the often debilitating energy of the physical/medical energy I'd be contending with at any given moment.

Jessica has knocked down walls of disconnect, anger, defensiveness and deep levels of sensitivities within me rooted from childhood trauma. However, she never did it in a way that ever made me feel wrong or broken. Quite the opposite. She did it in a way that fostered self-love, self-compassion and self-acceptance.

My gratitude to God for bringing her into my life truly has no boundaries. 🙏🏼 ✨

From the bottom of my heart ... Thank you, Jessica 💛 ✨

Claudia De Mauro


I always feel like my soul has been cleansed after talking with Jessica.


ocean waves crashing on shore during daytime


Elements and Light